William “Jerry” Gerald Mast

Wednesday, October 19, 1932
Date of Death:
Sunday, March 15, 2020
87 years old
William “Jerry” Gerald Mast
William Gerald Mast, 87, of Byron, MN, died Sunday, March 15, 2020 at home.
Jerry was born October 19, 1932 in Walnut Creek, OH, to William and Beulah (Wuetrich) Mast. In 1967, he earned an MS in Industrial Statistics from the University of Rochester (NY). In 1968, he joined IBM, working in Burlington, VT, Manassas, VA, Boca Raton, FL, and Rochester, MN, until 1993 when he retired as an advisory engineer. Jerry was a member of the American Society for Quality Control, certified by ASQC as both a Quality Engineer (1982) and a Reliability Engineer (1983). He joined the Mayo Clinic Institutional Review Board in 1986 and served for 7.5 years. He taught statistics and quality control courses at various businesses and educational institutions in SE Minnesota.
On March 16, 1982, he married Cheryl Ferney in Logan, UT. The couple lived in Rochester until 1988 when they moved to Byron.
Jerry was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served in a wide variety of callings, including as the president of the Dodge Center Branch for over 4 years, and as a temple worker at the Chicago, IL, temple and the St. Paul, MN, temple.
He had a wide variety of interests including comedy, music, photography, and woodworking, and loved spending time with his children and grandchildren.
Jerry is survived by his wife; his sons, Mitchell of Byron, MN, and Nicholas of Byron, MN; his daughter, Veronica (Christopher) Voigt of Rochester, MN; his daughter-in-law Jennifer of Logan, UT; his five grandchildren; and his former wife, Yvonne Mast of Freeman, SD.
He was preceded in death by his parents; his brother, Russell (Alma, also deceased); his sister, Sue; and his son, Robert.
Private services will be held. No flowers, please.
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