Florist Information

Jodi Michelle Yates Service

Deliver Tuesday, February 18 at 1:00 pm to River Park Chapel at Macken Funeral Home (1119 11 1/2 Street SE, Rochester, MN, 55904)

Gerald P. Baier Service

Deliver Friday, February 21 at 8:15 am to River Park Chapel at Macken Funeral Home (1119 11 1/2 Street SE, Rochester, MN, 55904)

Lynn Elizabeth Kinney Service

Delivery information not available

Kathryn “Katie” Godsill Service

Deliver Saturday, March 01 at 8:30 am to St. Pius X Catholic Church (1315 12th Ave NW, Rochester, MN, 55901)

Harold N. Helleck Service

Deliver Saturday, March 08 at 8:15 am to Bethel Lutheran Church (810 3rd Ave SE, Rochester, MN, 55904)

Piccola Dorae Carnahan Service

Delivery information not available

Sigurd John Anderson Service

Delivery information not available

Howard L. Wood Service

Deliver Monday, April 07 at 9:00 am to River Park Chapel at Macken Funeral Home (1119 11 1/2 Street SE, Rochester, MN, 55904)

Jane K. Campion Service

Deliver Friday, April 11 at 8:30 am to St. Pius X Catholic Church (1315 12th Ave NW, Rochester, MN, 55901)

Joseph V. Fischer Service

Deliver Thursday, April 24 at 12:00 pm to River Park Chapel at Macken Funeral Home (1119 11 1/2 Street SE, Rochester, MN, 55904)

Nancy Louann Anderson Service

Deliver Saturday, May 17 at 8:15 am to River Park Chapel at Macken Funeral Home (1119 11 1/2 Street SE, Rochester, MN, 55904)

Eda “Julie” Hanson Service

Deliver Friday, June 06 at 8:30 am to River Park Chapel at Macken Funeral Home (1119 11 1/2 Street SE, Rochester, MN, 55904)