Raymond “David” Jewison

Macken Funeral Home Memorial Photo
Date of Birth:
Tuesday, February 25, 1947
Date of Death:
Saturday, January 30, 2021
73 years old


Date: Thursday February 04, 2021
Time: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Location: River Park Chapel at Macken Funeral Home [ view map ]


Location: Calvary Cemetery [ view map ]

Link to Private Service and Memorial Information

David's private Funeral Mass will be streamed live on Friday, February 5, 2021 at 10:30AM. Click here to access: https://youtu.be/qKQSaNIOFNI

Memorials designated to the David Jewison Scholarship may be made online at: rcsmn.org/makeagift (select Lourdes Foundation Scholarship and enter the name of the scholarship)

Or, by check mailed to: Rochester Catholic Schools, Department of Development, 1710 Industrial Drive NW Rochester, MN 55901.

Please make checks payable to RCS with the memo: David Jewison Scholarship.

Macken Funeral Home Memorial Photo
Date of Birth:
Tuesday, February 25, 1947
Date of Death:
Saturday, January 30, 2021
73 years old
Macken Funeral Home Memorial Photo
Date of Birth:
Tuesday, February 25, 1947
Date of Death:
Saturday, January 30, 2021
73 years old

Raymond “David” Jewison

Raymond “David” Jewison, 73 of Rochester, MN died suddenly of natural causes while cross-country skiing on January 30, 2021.

Dave was born on February 25, 1947 in Minneapolis, MN to Raymond Joseph and Mildred (McGonagle) Jewison. He graduated from Loyola High School, Mankato, MN in 1965. He then graduated from St. Mary’s College in Winona, MN in 1969. He began teaching at Lourdes High School in Rochester that year. On June 24, 1978 he married Mary Pat Trauscht at Church of St. Pius X in Rochester. Together, the couple made Rochester their home and raised three boys. During his time at Lourdes High School, he obtained his Masters Degree in Educational Counseling. He retired after over 45 years. Family came first, and he always put them first. He was a longtime member of Church of St. Pius X. Dave absolutely loved teaching and coaching. His heart belonged to the Lourdes community, every part of it from the students and fellow faculty, to the entire local Catholic community. In his spare time, he could be found with his family fishing, camping, biking, skiing, running, and cheering on the MN Gophers and Vikings.

He is survived by his wife Mary Pat of Rochester, sons David (Angela) of Minneapolis, MN, Michael (Anne) of Medina, MN, Patrick (Kyunga) of Busan, South Korea; his sisters Mary Jewison of Mankato, MN, Sharon Fowler of Eau Claire, WI, Colleen (Gary) Walters of Eagle Lake, MN; his grandchildren Megan, Matthew, Emily, Luna; numerous nieces and nephews, and his grand-dogs Emmett, Roscoe, and Sofie.

He is preceded in death by his parents and his brother-in-law Russ.

A visitation for Dave will be held on Thursday evening, February 4, 2021 from 5:00pm until 8:00pm in the River Park Chapel at Macken Funeral Home. Please observe current social distancing guidelines and arrive wearing a mask. A private Funeral Mass will be held at a later date. Burial will be at Calvary Cemetery, Rochester, MN.

In lieu of flowers, memorials are preferred to the David Jewison Scholarship (Department of Development, Rochester Catholic Schools) or donor’s choice.

Online condolences are welcome at www.mackenfuneralhome.com


The family of Raymond “David” Jewison has received the following condolences.

I know I am a bit late sending you my heartfelt sympathy.  Mr Jewison as I have been reading had made a huge impact on so many in the Lourdes community.  This included our family.   From me and my brothers, to mine and Dave’s children.  Thank you for letting him be a part of our lives.  May God grant you all comfort during this time. 

Donna and Dave Mueller 

I hadn’t thought about Dave for a number of years. We were students together at St. Mary’s and we’re in the seminary together for a couple years. I recall Dave as a terrific intramural athlete and I convinced him to play for a football team in an adult flag football league in Winona. After two games, Dave was banned for being too good. He graduated a year ahead of me.

Although I interviewed at Lourdes in 1970 for a teaching and coaching position, I didn’t get the position. I went on to be hired at Mankato Loyola where I heard of Dave’s exploits from Jim Korth and Ron Wright. 

I saw Dave once more, at Lourdes, when I brought a girls’ basketball team from Stillwater to play one of Myron Glass’ teams. Dave was friendly as always and wanting to know more about me than he was willing to share about himself.

From what I have read in the condolences he found the exact place and position to share his talents. Thank you to your family for sharing Dave in making our world a better place.



Dear Mary Pat and Family,

I am so sad for your loss, but joyful he is in heaven.  As many people have shared, he was such a joy to be around, his smile and kindness were infectious! I feel blessed to have had him as a teacher.  I felt he truly cared about his students and their well being.

I will keep you in my prayers.

Rick Daly.



Mary Pat and family,

The Hofer family has been saddened to hear of Mr. Jewison's sudden passing.  That is how we always referred to him--Mr. Jewison, so even now it is hard for me to just call him Dave.  Mr. Jewison was mentioned frequently in our family, as he was involved in the lives of all of our kids at LHS--Ryan, Matt, Jarrod and Mickey.  He was a positive influence in the lives of our kids and the lives of so many.  His was a life well lived, and his impact on the lives of young people will be felt for a long time.  He was a kind and genuine person, that was obvious. 

May you find peace and comfort in your faith and your memories of your husband and father during this very sad time.

Praying for you,

Celeste and Roger Hofer

To David's Family:

I graduated with Dave at St. Mary's in 1969.  He was a good friend and as I recall, one of the most genuine, respectful and caring individuals I have ever known.  He will be sorely missed.  My sincere condolences and prayers are with the entire family.

Bill Rossini, St.Mary's, Class of 1969


Mary Pat and family,

Our heartfelt condolences to you all.  The funeral liturgy was beautiful and uplifting, as was Dave throughout his life.  He will be missed by all.  He was the most kind and caring man.  

Blessings for each of you 

Joe & Wanda Murphy


Oh Mary Pat, how I wish we could hug you and convey how much we all appreciated you and Dave.  Thank you for sharing him with us for so many years.  A gift, to us all; your love, your life, your care that you shared with all of us in the Lourdes community.  I am grateful beyond words that my children had him in their lives too, while at Lourdes in the 2000's.  What a beautiful liturgy; what a beautiful family.  

Big Hugs and Love,

Wendy W.

(LHS Class of 1976; mom of Jack, Laura and Mary, who you took such good care during their SJS + LHS years)

Mary Pat -

I was very sad to read of your family's loss.  I'm sorry I never knew your "Dave" and can only visualize a wonderful person through comments made by others.

I so enjoyed the times we worked together, you as the nurse and me as the "pretend nurse"  and many times you shared stories of your "boys" and you would just glow with pride.  Now I understand why!   You are a very special lady and my heart goes out to you and your family.


Sally Fisher


Mr Jewison was a wonderful Man!! He had such a amazing positive impact on my life!!He touched so many lives ! He was so Kind and Understanding! Rest in Peace Mr Jewison 

Mary Pat and Family, I was so saddened to hear of the passing of Dave "Jewie". I had the benefit of seeing him many times on the Douglas trail as I was walking and he was riding his bike. Come rain, snow, cold - he was always out there. He made a lasting impression on all 3 of my kids that worked their way thru LHS. He was always happy, always smiling and a great guy. It is hard for me to understand why the Good Lord took a wonderful man from this earth but he is in Heaven and creating a new RCS culture in heaven. I loved Dave and will miss him. Cherish his legacy and all the differences he made for so many people. You are all in the Nonn's thoughts and prayers. God BLess. Mary Anne, Rachel, Danielle and Ryan Nonn.

Dear Mary Pat and Family,

I know your hearts are heavy, and so are all of those of the Lourdes family. Dave was such a wonderful person and touched everyone he knew in so many ways by his fine example. He will be deeply missed.

Sending prayers for each of you during this sad time,

Dotty Willkomm


Mr. Jewison not only helped us hone our English skills, but he was a great example on how to live life with kindness and patience. He always had that reassuring smile. I echo the thoughts of my classmates on how he inspired us. To his family, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. His lessons taught so many years ago stay with me. (Along with the strange Lourdes football cheers featuring English vocabulary words. Was that a team effort from Mr. Jewison and Mr. Kroska?)   Mary (Weis) Nordeen Class of '83


Our hearts are filled with sorrow upon hearing the news about your husband/father's demise. Sincere condolences from our family.

We are sorry for your loss. Mr.Jewison was such a great person, He will live on in our memories forever. We pray that your heart and soul will find peace and comfort during this difficult times.

Al-Suwaidi Family.


Although I didn’t know Mr. Jewison, I know of the love and support Dave always describes receiving from his dad and family. In seeing the live stream funeral, I see now more than every where Dave (his son) gets so many of his qualities. My deepest condolences go out to your family during this difficult time. I hope the wonderful memories and knowledge of the impact he’s had in this world give you some comfort during this difficult time.

Mary Pat & Family,

David was a very special man in so many ways. His sense of humor, easy-going manner and demeanor WILL be missed.

We ALWAYS looked forward to our visits with "Mary Pat and Dave" knowing that we would be laughing and chatting ten seconds(or less)inside the door.

Words are spoken, but the MEMORIES will LAST forever. We were blessed to know and love David.  His family is a reflection of who he was.

We will keep ALL of you in our thoughts and prayers and look forward to seeing this gentle man again.

Rosy & Patrick

My heart goes out your entire family. I hope you gain comfort in knowing how beloved and respected Mr. Jewison was throughout his life. I only had him as an English teacher, in which he taught us us Latin-roots are everything, but I learned so much. His calm and pleasant demeanor daily in the face of constant teenage behavior was amazing. You, and we, are truly blessed to have been a part of his life. 

Jacque Dickhut, class of ‘78

Mary Pat and family

Mike and I were saddened to hear of Dave’s passing. When we think of the LHS community, we naturally think of Dave. His smile and great warmth were always there. He was a wonderful example of a faith-filled man to any who knew him.

Please know that you are in our prayers.

Mike and Deb Lawler 

So sorry for your loss.  David was an amazing human being.  Lourdes High was blessed with many outstanding teachers in the early 70s, and David was first among them.

Our hearts and prayers to all of you at this difficult time! May you draw strength and hope from the Risen Lord. Eternal rest grant unto Dave ... peace to each of you. Friends of Mary Agnes at Madonna Community


Requiescat in pace. Your passing has reconnected a whole lot of old friends through wonderful memories this week. Thanks for allowing us to count building an onager catapult replica as a homework assignment in your Latin class. Thanks for driving busloads of football players around Southeast Minnesota. Thanks for the mentorship and selfless acts of kindness that you shared with us as your students. And who could forget that superhuman grip strength? You were such a genuine, positive, and hard-working class act who will be sorely missed by the community. May we all follow your example and pay your good deeds forward.

Mary Pat, Dave, Mike, and Pat,

Deepest condolences to you all. From one family of three sons to another, we are chuckling about Mike’s roughhousing anecdotes in the eulogy. Our community is so much better because your husband and father was in it. His legacy clearly lives on through you all. Thank you for sharing him with us.


Dear Mary Pat and Family,

We are so sorry to hear of Dave's passing. He was a wonderful man and a positive role model to everyone he met. He always had a smile to share! We can't imagine how difficult this must be for all of you. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you and we wish you God's peace and blessings in the days ahead.

Laurie and Jim Korsmo


My family and I send our deepest sympathy to Mary Pat , the Jewison family and all of the Lourdes community. We have lost a great man. 


I like to think that my relationship with Dave (Mr Jewison, Coach Jewison, Jewy) was a special and personal one. I was in his Latin class and we participated in the Rochester-wide chariot races. He coached me in football for 4 years and we both participated in the midnight practice on the west lawn of Lourdes, after returning from a poor performance in La Crosse. I was the captain of his first Lourdes basketball team, when we learned to accept the joy of victory, and the pathos of defeat  (seems like more of the latter). And I witnessed some of his first dates with Mary Pat, whom he kept telling us was his sister. 


As many of the other remembrances note, Dave was fun to be with, but always available for help and compassion. He worked with the very successful students and athletes but had a special place in his heart for those who were struggling. He went out of his way to find those who needed support and guidance. He remembered all of his students, even many years after they graduated. And he always tried to find the good in all people. He personified excellence in teaching, coaching and humanity itself. 


He not only played a major role in my life but in that of our Smith family as whole. He was a coach and teacher to my younger sisters Mary and Martha and my younger brothers John and Peter. Peter remembers, after a particularly bad loss in a B squad football game, when everyone was quite dejected, how Coach Jewison gathered everyone one around and advised “Boys, chew it up and spit it out” . Sage advice for life especially in the difficult times we face now. 


Mr Jewison was one of a kind, an inspiration to all of us. An important measure of a person is how much he/she influenced others. Dave had a tremendous influence on my life. His love for teaching, working with young people of all types and always being there during good times and bad inspired me to pursue a career in pediatric oncology. We will miss him very much but will always remember and be inspired. 


Tom Smith (class of 75) 

Words are hard to come by. I loved Mr. Jewison as a teacher and a gentleman. Prayers  and peace to the family. Student of Lourdes 1974. Jeanne (Trusty) Vehrenkamp 

Mary Pat and family.   We are writing as parents   “Jewie” was always there for our children. It may have been counseling, guidance, support, a shoulder to lean on, a listening ear, or a badly needed pat on the back.   As a parent, he listened and he did the same for us. He was an amazing man and was loved.


Dear Mary Pat and the entire Jewison Family -

My deepest condolences go out to you on the loss of your husband, father and grandfather.

Mr. Jewison was a wonderful teacher and while Latin will never be my language, the lessons I learned in his classroom about hard work and being challenged have contributed greatly to who I have become today.

Beyond being a wonderful teacher, Mr. Jewison was also a very special friend to the family. My dad (Ray) always held Dave in the highest regard as he was such an integral part of his "Lourdes Family."

Wish you all peace and comfort during this time.


Renee (Zeman) Rudolph '06


Dear Mary Pat and Jewison Family,

Mr. Jewison “Jewie” was not only a wonderful teacher, but one of the most genuine, humble, kind, and relentlessly positive human beings you could ever hope to meet! The impact that he had on so many is immeasurable.  

Broken-hearted for you and for everyone fortunate enough to have known him, he will be sorely missed and never forgotten!

Alex Bell, LHS ‘94


We are friends of the younger Dave Jewison, or "Jewi" as we also like to call him, and are so thankful for the few times we were able to spend with his dad. You just know when you're in the presence of someone genuinely kind and joyful, and that's who the elder Dave Jewison always felt like to us. We are sending our love to all the family, friends, and loved ones of Dave Jewison. May the wonderful memories of his impactful and honorable life live on forever. 


-Dave & Yee Supik 

The Jewison Family,

My deepest sympathies to you and your family. I only attended Lourdes my Freshmen year, but your dad always would great me and say "How you doing little Gaz," because my older brother Jim was also attending Lourdes. I always felt like I could relate to him probably because I was a football and basketball player. As I watched the funeral I started to realize that we had more and more similarities. I married a nurse, have taught high school in Bloomington for 27 years and have coached both football and basketball. I also can't fish for the life of me, but I do play golf. I too, do not like to be in the lime light, but care dearly for the kids I teach and most importantly cherish my family. It's because of great role models like Jewy, my Uncle Paul, and Jon "Snuffy" Williams that I pursued a career in teaching, so thank you so much for sharing your husband and father who inspired so many young adults. We need more people in the world like Mr. Jewison. May you know that he left this world making a difference in many people's lives. 


Dan Gasner

Class of 83

Thoughts Prayers to all of you.  

We were so sad to hear of Dave's passing. When notifying our children, they all had fondest memories of their time with him at Lourdes.  Please accept our deepest sympathy. The mass was beautiful today, very uplifting. May God grant you peace.

The Molloy Family, Cinta, Kevin, Evelyn, Denis, Elizabeth and Hilary. 

Heartbreaking news. "Jewie" was an incredible person, teacher, counselor, coach, and more.  Like so many, I and my 6 siblings, who all went through Lourdes, still speak fondly of our many wonderful memories of Dave Jewison - ranking him a favorite teacher - hands down, through high-school and beyond.  He taught us Latin, and coached my brothers on the field, but what I recall most about "Jewie" was his consistent kindness and smile.  He modeled empathy and compassion - crucial traits, in particular, I've tried to carry into my career as a psychologist. I still think of him, in a way, as my first "therapist" of sorts - a safe, caring person to talk to, and always able to offer encouragement or make you laugh.  With kind eyes that smiled above an ageless grin, he provided a positive, warm presence we all valued, respected, and trusted.  My condolences and deepest sympathies go to Mary Pat and his three sons and larger family - he will be be greatly missed, but not ever forgotten.  best, Julie Mullany - class of 92'

Dear Mary Pat, Davey, Mike, and Pat~

Thank you for allowing us to watch your live streamed Funeral Mass this morning.

Our sincere and heartfelt condolences on the tremendous loss of Mr. Jewison.  What a successful life Dave lived, and if only we can all live like Dave lived his life on earth.  Our family has been given a great gift in knowing Dave, and his 3-boys and the entire Jewison Family are such a "class act."  

Our 3-children (Rico 1997, Marina 2000, and Dino 2003), all benefited from Dave's many gifts at Lourdes.  Dave was a seminarian, teacher, coach, and guidance counselor.  There was never any question that Dave was a jack-of-all trades who did it all, and then some.  Dave was the epitome of quality Catholic education at Lourdes High School.  

Dave was such a good man, who helped our 3-children transition from High School on to a College education.  No one was more popular or more well-liked, than Dave Jewison.  Dave would give you the shirt off of his back, and our 3-children always looked up to Mr. Jewison, who was an outstanding role model.

May eternal rest grant unto him Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.  The Johnson Family has contributed toward the "David Jewison Scholarship Development.  

Love and virtual hugs during the pandemic.

Jeff '71 and Lilia Johnson

Dear Jewison Family, 

I speak for the entire Chrysler family, all six siblings who had you as a teacher in the 1970' and 1980's, as well as my parents, in offering our appreciation for having had Dave in our lives.  Marv Peters was not exaggerating when he said that Dave was everyone's favorite teacher.  Somehow, I managed to have him as a teacher for all 4 years of school for English, Latin, Religion, and Humanities.  I still remember reading Crime and Punishment in Humanities class and he would refer to the main character as "old, crazy Roski".  I also remember him coming to class one day in 1980 or 1981 having just come from the birth of his (first?) son. He was giddy and could not sit still the entire class period.  From watching him pour concrete for our new driveway, to coaching my brothers in various sports,  to building chariots for the Latin club, he touched our family in many ways.

Salve Magister.

Sue Chrysler (Class of 1982)

Dave was genuinely one of the most caring, fun, and passionate person that I can say influenced my life directly during my short high school career.  I had the honor of being coached by him for 2 years.  Throughout all of my struggles early on, Dave was compassionate yet stern; trying to nudge me back towards an upward path.  I could genuinely tell that he was invested and cared about me as a student and as a person.   

I can't  fathom the pain the family is going through, but I hope that it brings you some comfort knowing that Dave has stamped a permanent mark throughout the community; affecting more peoples' lives than can probably be counted.    

Shocked to hear the loss of such a great man.  Mr Jewison always believed in me personally, and professionally, during my school years and after.  His passion for myself, and all students,  was amazing and what I remember to this day.  
Condolences to the family. 

Mike, Garrett, Ella, and Jayden Ott. 

Wow, such heartbreaking news.  I first heard of Mr. Jewison's passing last Sunday and like many, have had a difficult week, only now being able to write this.   We would occasionally cross paths and exchange pleasantries on the Douglas Trail; him biking and me walking the dog.   

I was lucky enough to have him as my homeroom teacher freshman year.  I remember being very nervous that first day, but was put at ease by whatever it was he said that morning.  What a great introduction to high school and Lourdes.   English resource center was my go-to spot for non-commons open mods whenever Mr. Jewison was manning it.  If you needed to actually do some homework, he made sure you could...but if you wanted to mess around a bit, within reason of course, that was allowed as well. 

Mr. Jewison was a regular at the early Sunday morning St. Pius mass, often serving as the lector.   I was there with my infant daughter Melissa one Sunday.  He sought me out after mass to offer congratulations.  We had a nice discussion on the joys and challenges of fatherhood.   I am glad Mr. Jewison continued at Lourdes long enough for Melissa to have the the opportunity and privilege to come to know him a bit as well.   Last Sunday, she shared with me a photo of the two of them on Mr. Jewison Appreciation Day from spring of 2015.  

To Mary Pat and family, I offer my deepest condolences.  Thank you for sharing your husband and father with us.  We are all the better for having known him.  May Peace be with you.  

Bernie Carlson '82


My heart is broken for the Jewison family and  for the countless people who have grown close to Jewi over the decades. I literally almost couldn’t accept the news when I first heard of his passing. Mr. Jewison was one of the absolute best people I have ever met and he truly had an impact on my life.  During my time at Lourdes I always felt welcomed to his office for open and honest conversations, Jewi always advocated for me and encouraged me. Most of all he gave me the confidence to chase my goals and dreams. I saw Dave several times in the last few years and it was always fun to catch up with him and hear about his boys and grand kids. I often saw him on the Douglas trail the last few years riding bike. I feel blessed to have crossed paths with such an awesome and genuine man. Rest in Peace ??

Dear Mary Pat and Family, I am holding you all in my prayers!  I am so saddened by the news of Dave’s death.  I think of Dave often when I use my kitchen table because Dave is the one who went and picked it up for me when I bought it, brought it to me in his truck, and he even put it together for me!  I think it symbolizes Dave’s willingness to help anyone who needed him!  Such a kind, caring, generous, faith-filled man! I feel blessed to have gotten to know Dave!   My prayers will continue for you, Mary Pat, for your sons, grandchildren and all of the family!   Love and Prayers, Sister Sue Reif, OSF

My sincerest condolences.  Although I met you only briefly, I have been thinking about you and praying for you and your family, Mary Pat.  Be well.  

Jill Schroeder, RN 

Reading these condolences, I'm laughing and crying at the same time. There aren't a lot of people whose remembrances can create that response. Dave (can I really call him that?) was a one-of-a-kind teacher. I haven't seen him for at least 20 years (the last time at the Blockbuster store where I mentioned to my two young nephews that a teacher of mine was in the store - their response? Is he old? Ugh) but his loss is feeling profound. Peace and blessings to his family. I'm so terribly sorry. For all of us.

Mary Pat and family,

I have not seen Dave for several years, and even longer for you!  Yet i have frequently recalled him in memory and always smiled.   A good man, clearly, and a valued colleague and always honest.  

I had hoped to be greeting you at the wake, but I will give you some knee time in prayer and while offering Mass tomorrow.   

You have been and are the blessed wife of a good husband. 

Pax et bonum. Davide requiescat in pace.

Fr Edward McGrath 


Dear Mary Pat and sons, David was such an enthusiastic teacher that I had the privilege of knowing at Lourdes High School. May his example inspire a new generation of dedicated teachers. Sister Ramona Miller

Mary Pat and Sons,

Sorry for your loss. Mr. Jewison was a good one. 

I was a horrible Latin student and he had the patience of a Saint. 

Amo, Amas, Amat.

Anne Fredrickson, Latin pupil and LHS Class of '86

Dear Mary Pat,  My heart is heavy for you!  I am so sorry for the loss of your Dave.  I want very much to see you at the Viewal Service tonight, but my driveway is still plugged with snow and won't get cleared until later.  If I can make it to Macken's before 8 p.m. I will.  Nevertheless, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult and sad time!   Barb Virnig

Mary Pat and boys

Sharon, Colleen a s Gary, and Mary


I am at a loss for words to comfort you all.

David was a good man and loved by many. It was always a happy time when we were able to spend some time with him. I can only offer you my deepest condolences during this difficult time.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.


My name is Eleanor Plager and I graduated from Lourdes in 2018. I regret not being able to make it to the wake and offer my condolences. Every time I got to interact with Mr. Jewison was an absolute joy. He not only cared about our education but about each of us as people- he would always ask questions about my sports and other extracurriculars. His smile was absolutely contagious and he holds the utmost respect within the Lourdes community.

Dear Jewison Family,

I am so sorry for your loss.  For me as for so many who attended Lourdes during Mr. Jewison's long and distinguished career, your husband and father epitomized Micah's instructions: "He as told you, o man, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God."

I still remember the day some of my friends told me about their Latin class.  Mr. Jewison had been talking about the classic poem "Ode to a Grecian Urn," and someone asked him "What's a Grecian Urn?"  He replied, "Oh, a little over fifty dollars a day, give or take."  Though he didn't invent that joke, the fact that he worked it seamlessly into his lesson that day, and that it reverberated throughout the halls of school for the next several days, made me wish two things: 1. that I had taken Latin; and 2. that I could do something like that for a living some day.

His Vulcan nerve pinch was legendary.  He caught me in the hall on more than one occasion, smiled broadly, and effortlessly found whatever particular nerve connects the shoulder with the neck and simultaneously enables one to stand upright.  I think I spent more time kneeling in the hallways my senior year than in the chapel!  But he was right and I was wrong, and eventually I got the message.

May your grief, in God's good time, be replaced by the fond, funny, and faith-filled memories of a life well lived and truth well told.


Steve Werle '90 

Dear Mary Pat and family, I am so very sorry to hear this. I enjoyed working with Dave over the years. He was a wonderful man. Please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Jude

Sincere condolences to the Jewison family.  Dave was one of the best teachers / coaches I was ever blessed with knowing.  It was because of teachers like Dave that I devoted my career to education and coaching as well.  In my 27 years as an educator I hope that I will have a fraction of the impact that Dave had on the multitude of fortunate students that walked into his class or on the field or court.  The last time I saw Dave was at my father's funeral.  I recognized him in an instant - he never changed!  He was a beautiful, wonderful, kind hearted man and I was fortunate to know him.  Rest in Peace Dave, and thanks for everything.

Heaven's eternal light is burning brighter with dave's presence.

In the ten years that I worked with Dave, I don't think a day went by that he didn't make me smile even if I was having a bad day. He could always find a silver lining. I still remember his kind words to me when I returned from Chicago when my Dad died- pure and genuine concern.    His  care and concern for students was visible in everything he did.  Andrew ('16),  Carly & Kelly ('18) were blessed by his wisdom, care and love.  


Mary Pat - I hold you and your family in my prayers.


Anne Kowal




To the Jewison family:  Our sincere condolences on your loss.  What a nice, kind, gentleman

we all lose.  We will always remember his smile and friendly words.  A great man!!! 


Dave & Kathy Greden

What a wonderful man!  I have great memories of Mr Jewison as both teacher and coach. 

We lost both quarterbacks to injury our Sophomore year and coach picked my name out of a hat to be the replacement.  I was a deer in the headlights.  He knew it, but he made it ok with his "Jewy" smile and continual reassurance.

Still share with classmates fond memories of our favorite teacher with the chalk marks on his pants.

Sincere condolences to the Jewison family.

Pete Hanlon LHS '83

It’s 1982.  Our last home basketball game against our Don Bosco opponent.  Next game will be tournament stuff at Mayo Civic.  With four minutes left in our warm-up we head to the locker room for last minute instruction from Coach Jewison.  We are in the old narrow locker room standing around nervously waiting for him.  Coach Jewison walks in, calmly says...”Ok seniors, this is the last one in the cracker box.”  We all laughed as he took the edge off and walked around and shaking every senior’s hand.

Classy guy, great coach and teacher.  He will be missed.

Phil Kopischke ‘82

To Pat and the entire Jewison family,

Your dad was a wonderful man. A great teacher, coach, and counselor to myself and countless students over his many years at LHS.  We’re so sorry for your loss.

Andrew (‘04) and Leah (Kodet) Nigon (‘03)

Decades ago after a Lourdes basketball game, Dave and I had a discussion on the topic of Arete, which is a Greek concept of excellence.

A few weeks later, he came across a newspaper column that did not mention Arete, but in a simple fashion nailed the concept. He sent me a copy, with his thoughts in the margin.

It was a gesture that few people would consider, let alone take the time to do.

It's still in my files.

To the Jewison family,


On Monday, I was crushed when I heard news from my dad about Mr. Jewison’s passing over the weekend. I had to pull over while driving as I was overcome with emotions. Mr. Jewison was instrumental in my development as a person. Teachers and coaches like him are the reason I became a teacher. 


In May, 2007, my grandpa passed away in a plane crash. Mr. Jewison found me while I had an open mod to share the difficult news as we walked to the office together to meet my family. I will never forget his grace, calmness, and real empathy during that difficult time. After the funeral, he checked in with me every day the rest of that school year. My senior year, he was a pillar of support for me during my mom’s divorce. He was always there if I needed someone to talk with during important times of my life. He is a legend in my book. As an educator, I will continue to be there for others as a way of paying forward Mr. Jewison’s legacy. 




Dave Keeney - Class of 2010 

Dear Jewison and Lourdes family,

Such sad news about Mr.Jewison. He wasn’t one my teachers but I remember him in the halls with that big welcoming smile.

I can’t believe that he was only five years older than me! When you are a teenager in high school you always think the teachers are way older than you.

Hugs and prayers to all.


Dear Jewison Family, 

Mr. Jewison started at Lourdes while I was a student there.  He was as much a big brother as a teacher.  One of the truly nice guys, he easily wove his way into the fabric that gave Lourdes its character.  We were proud our children chose Lourdes and became part of the community Dave enriched.  Our thoughts are with you all.  Rest in peace, Mr. Jewison.  

Mark Rieder LHS '71

Jewison Family,

So sorry to hear this news of David’s passing. “Mr Jewison” was a super teacher, coach, and example of a beautiful person. I remember his superhuman push-up strength and Spock-like shoulder pinch (I know was a sign of his affection, or at least was a way to get your full attention). What a good guy that surely will be missed. The Gasner’s send our condolences and love to Mary Pat and his family. God bless you all during this time.

I am deeply saddened to hear of Mr. Jewison's passing. He was a bright soul and a wonderful friend to all those he encountered. From the first days as a freshman through the last days of senior year, Mr. Jewison never failed to provide an answer to every question (even the stupid ones) or to set us back on the right track with an assertive and kind smile, and a quick quip about "getting back to class". He was a confidant for the entire student body and an advocative friend for those in need. Mr. Jewison was a timeless piece of the reputation of Lourdes High School. My family had the privilege of being his students from the beginning of his career through (and past) his retirement; from my dad ('74), the oldest of his siblings, to my cousins, and to me ('18), the youngest cousin, I never heard a grumble of the way Mr. Jewison conducted himself amongst the students and staff. He was truly a treasure and a cornerstone to the RCS community. 

Wishing you peace and comfort during this difficult time,

Abbey Mueller ('18) & Mueller Family

So sorry to hear about your loss, I have many fond memories of Dave through high school and beyond.  I know that my dad and Dave spent many nights at sporting events through out their career together and I always enjoyed seeing you two at mass Sunday mornings at St. Pius.  You are in our prayers. 

Mary Pat.  So sorry to learn of the loss of your beloved Dave.  You and your family will be in my prayers and thoughts.  Emily (Hennings) Anderson

Mary Pat and Family, 

Our prayers are with Dave, you and your family. We remember Dave at Lourdes when our kids were there. Brian graduated in 1993 and Michelle in 1999. Dave was a blessing to the students and had a good relationship with us parents. My memory seems to tell me you two belonged to TOOL at one time?We are in our 49 th year!

May the peace of Jesus be with you,
Deacon Dick and Lois Quinn

Mary Pat! Our love, prayers, good thoughts and lots of virtual hugs are yours.

Mr. Jewison was a great mentor and coach. My condolences to his family.

I first encountered Mr. Jewison as a wide-eyed freshman in Latin I at Lourdes and was immediately blown away by his energy. "Wow... is this what all the teachers are like in high school?" His fun and funny style quickly made Latin a favorite amongst my peers. I remember him handing out Smarties when we got questions right (or maybe throwing them at us when we got them wrong! Either way we got a snack). I will always remember his Latin lessons, and I know he had a massive impact on so many students during his many years at Lourdes. His passing is a loss and he will be missed.

Dave and I grew up just one block apart in Mankato and were great childhood friends working our way through the seasonal sports cycle with basketball and baseball at my house and football at his (oh yes, and he was one of the best natural athletes I have ever known!), going to movies and just hanging out.  We played on the same Little League team and, of course, attended Loyola and eventually St. Mary's together.  Dave honored me by being my best man at our wedding and throughout the years was a steadfast and loyal friend.  He was a loving husband, a great Dad, a dedicated educator and in all ways exemplified a life well lived.  He will be sorely missed.  Pam and I extend our heartfelt sympathies to Mary Pat and the whole family on their loss.  You will be in our thoughts and prayers.

My condolences to to the Jewison family. I knew Dave as "Mr. Jewison": teacher, coach, and mentor to many students. He was one of the kindest people on earth; an example to us all. 

To the family of Dave Jewison:

I am so sorry to hear of his sudden passing.  I saw him as recently as a couple of weeks ago on his bike, we often crossed paths.  I worked with Dave for 11 years at Lourdes and he was a great colleague and was great for the students and the school.  He will be missed.

Please know that Ginni and I will keep you in our prayers.  Unfortunately due to the pandemic, we will not be able to attend the wake or funeral, but will keep you in mind at those times.


-Marty & Ginni

I am so sorry and saddened to hear about Dave.  We have known him for over 50 years and have nothing but respect and admiration for him. We were blessed to have him as a coach, teacher and friend.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Jewison family.

Our hearts are filled with sorrow upon hearing the news about your husband/father's demise. Sincere condolences from our family.

We are sorry for your loss. Mr.Jewison was such a great person, He will live on in our memories forever. We pray that your heart and soul will find peace and comfort during this difficult times.

Al-Suwaidi Family.


I am deeply saddened to know the demise of our dear teacher/counsellor Mr. David Jewison

He was greatly loved, respected and admired by all. May his soul rest in peace.

My sincere condolences,

Fatima & Maitha Al-Suwaidi LHS’16

To Dave's Family,


Dave and I were roommates our senior year at St. Mary's College.  Dave was one of the nicest people I have ever met.  He was truly a genuine and caring person. 

You are in my thoughts and prayers.


I am so sorry to hear about Mr. Jewison’s death. I have such good memories of him while at Lourdes.   Mary Pat and family ,you are in my thoughts and prayers. 

To the Jewison Family,

I am so sorry for your loss. Words will never be enough to describe what your father/husband meant to myself and so many others. I'm keeping you all in my prayers and I pray you find peace in such a difficult times.

-Kevin Macken LHS 08"

I will never forget Mr. Jewison.  He was not only a great teacher, but a wonderful guidance counselor who truly cared about every student.  He was the adult at Lourdes who I trusted before anyone else in some difficult times.  I will never forget his support and acts of caring.  As a teacher, I have contemplated for quite some time to begin each day of learning with a dedication.  Tomorrow I will begin our daily dedications in honor of Mr. Jewison.  My students will get to hear about a teacher who I had so many years ago, but who still has a special place in my heart.  


Margi (Bins) Jensen

Class of 1989

I am very saddened to hear of the death of Mr. Jewison, who was my Latin teacher at Lourdes from 1987 to 1990 and whom I have remembered fondly over the years. May his family find consolation in the memory of a good man and a life well lived. Sit tibi terra levis, bone magister: Dominus Deus noster te recipiat in caelestem domum suam!

-- Tom Dousa (Chicago, Ill.) 

Dear family of Mr. Jewison,

My condolences and prayers. I was blessed by Mr. Jewison through his teaching and coaching at LHS back in the early 1970's. He was my English teacher and my track coach, and in both settings he displayed his curiosity, sense of humor, and commitment to treating each of us with respect--asking us questions about our lives, pushing us to be better persons, reminding us to enjoy life. He brought fun into learning and track. He was quick to smile, to see the quirky and incongruous. He launched my coaching career by asking me to coach the distance runners in track my junior and senior years. He inspired my work as a teacher by his own clear joy in teaching. I was always delighted if I happened to run into him on a visit back to Rochester. Though he was my teacher and coach 45 years ago, what I learned from him continues to shape my life.

My his memory be a blessing. Holding him and all of you in the Light.


My heartfelt condolences go out to the Jewison family. I have nothing but fond memories of Mr. Jewison during my high school years. He had a comforting smile, words of encouragement, and always an open door. He saw the best in people, no matter what, and knew how to draw it out of them. He was a positive presence; someone who felt from the heart.

Heaven gained an angel, but he left a legacy of faith, love, and service to the Catholic community and all those who were lucky to know him. 

May his family and loved ones find comfort in their memories and the stories of him that will live on through the community. 

Jerrica (Paulson) Stromberg

Class of ‘97

Mary Pat and family, 

Thank you for sharing “Mr Jewison” with us. He was devoted to us as students-always there to challenge us to reach our greatest potential, but also to hear our greatest concerns. 
It was great to have my daughters also experience his love of teaching and commitment to their growth -both in faith and academics. 
I am sorry for your loss. Our family holds you in prayer 

Amy Black Crowley’82

Mr. Jewison was not only one of the best teachers I’ve ever had at any level of my education, but he was so much more.  He was a tremendous role model and mentor to so many throughout the years, there’s no way to express his impact on the lives of countless people!  He will be truly missed, and our prayers are with the Jewison family during this difficult time.

Matt Morrey, LHS class of 89

Dave was a true gentleman and was kind and considerate to his students, parents of his students, fellow teachers and coaches and whomever he encountered in his  45 years at Lourdes High School.  He is truly missed by all of us.

Mr. Jewison was not only one of the best teachers I had at LHS but also one of the nicest, who truly cared about the success of his students. He was always a friendly face in the halls and made sure we were never getting into too much trouble. He believed in each of his students and made sure we were as prepared as possible for whatever our chosen path was after High School. He will be deeply missed.

My thought and prayers,

Ethan Plager, LHS Grad 2013

Mary Pat and family,

We are so very sorry for your loss of Dave.  We are Christels' (Daves' neighbor) mom and dad and we will miss him so much.  His love for kids came out when he would give my grandchildren bubbles to blow, a few tomatoes,  and a friendly smile and hello.  My grandkids just loved him.. He always took the time to say hello to us and ask us how we were. He will be sadly missed by so many.  

I am sure he is riding a bike, cleaning up the yard and skiing up in heaven.

Hugs Steve and Joy Dalke


We met Dave 16 years ago when we moved in next door. Never could we have imagined the wonderful people that we were fortunate to now call our neighbors. Dave was always out in his yard (year-round) and always asked how things were going in our lives.

Dave watched over our house when we were away, snow-blowed our driveway when we didn’t have one, and let us know that he’d be there if we ever needed anything.

He talked MN and KC(my husband’s teams) sports countless hours with Brad, again, all year round, out in the back yard.

My kids adored Dave. He would joke with them and ask how they were doing. They’d yell “Hi Dave” every time we’d go out. He was a figure in their lives since the day they came home from the hospital and they already miss him dearly. 

Sending our love and prayers. 

Our deepest sympathies and prayers. We have some great memories of our years with Dave.

Mary, Amanda, and Joseph Pyfferoen 

Dave was always there for students and staff alike. You’d see him “roaming” the halls to find, support, help, assist, and care for that “particular” person needing it along with anyone else he came across on the path! He always seemed to have time because he made the time. He had a way of making you feel heard because he would actually listen. Even if he didn’t have the answers, he provided affirmation. He cared about others by being present and his priorities were evident; he lived out his foundational beliefs. 

He was proud of his family. He always smiled his smile and used his hand gestures when Mary Pat would come in to educate and teach us how to use an epi pen. We went through many iterations of dress code over the years but his uniform of light blue short sleeve dress shirt and khaki pants was steadfast. If asked, he would share about his family and that always brought a smile. He was proud yet humble. 

Many came and went through the brick and mortar of Lourdes High School each growing and intertwining through their unique experiences. We all know that Lourdes is a special community. Dave contributed deeply to this environment along with the original “pack” who became our role models and wisdom elders. You know who they are! 

Dave was a true treasure. Thank you for sharing him with us.  We are the blessed to have known him, learned from him, and taught with him. Prayers and love, Mary & Todd Kelsey





Dear Mary Pat & the whole family ,

we would like to offer our condolences, prayers & hugs to you all on the passing of Jewie ,!
What a wonderful , kind & very special man he was !   Our 7 kids remember him with smiles, laughter & love !    He ALWAYS had a great smile for you when you came across him in the halls of LHS .   Our thoughts & prayers are with you all .

Anne & Charlie & Sally, Julie, Luke, Edward, Anna, Lucy & Carolyn ( Mullany ).



Such a wonderful and caring teacher. A big reason for my success at Lourdes is because of him. One of my first days in school, he helped me up after I fell on the stairs..and picked up my papers and books. My condolences and prayers to the family.

Jewison family, 


We are sending our prayers to your entire family. we are so terribly sorry for your loss and are wishing you healing blessings during this difficult time. 


Emily & Mike Slates 


“Salve Magister!” 


“Salve Magister!”


“Salve Magister!”


That is how we sounded, a chorus of voices rising to greet you, as you strode into your classroom of Latin students in the mornings at Lourdes High School in Rochester, Minnesota.  The greeting means “Hello, Teacher!” 


You were one of my favorites, Mr. Jewison, even though you would yell at us because you felt we could do better.  You’d draw forth our passion by so clearly demonstrating yours.


You’d pepper us with questions, and if we didn’t answer correctly, you’d throw things at us – whatever was at your disposal – a blackboard eraser, a piece of chalk…  You believed in our promise and potential, if not for any reason other than the wisdom we demonstrated to either answer your questions correctly or to prudently duck if we didn’t.     


We spent hours poring over Quintus and all the stories about his satchel (how many could there be? How many times did someone steal Quintus' satchel to throw into a tree?!).  Your chuckles over Vademecum toothpaste never grew old, and I remember all those moments fondly.


I also remember a student or two claiming they were late to class because they narrowly avoided skidding their car into a crazed bicyclist going down the middle of the road in the dead of winter, and that crazed bicyclist was always none other than you. 


We were genuinely so lucky to have you in our lives.


You were not only a teacher and an all terrain bicyclist, but also a guidance counselor, coach, dad, and a father figure….  You likely did countless other things that I never knew about. I hope the roles didn't go unrecognized or unthanked.  I hope you know, I hope you saw, I hope you heard and felt how grateful we were for you and what you meant to us.  I imagine, with how perceptive you are, you detected with our every interaction the light in our eyes, the smile across our lips, the music in our heart in every salutation of “Salve Magister!”… even if we never explicitly said it, even if, through your patience and passion, we finally learned all the right answers to your questions and quizzes, but never found the precise words to say “Thank you.”  I hope you saw, I hope you heard, I hope you felt our gratitude anyway. 


No one takes up teaching in the hopes of becoming rich.  No one takes up teaching, coaching, and guiding in a private, Catholic institution to do anything other than make a difference to the people who need you most.


And that you did.  You filled our community with passion, love, and truth.


Just a few years ago, I reached out to Lourdes in attempt to contact another teacher.  You were the one to respond, because you remembered me, the quiet and shy student you had in Latin class back in 1995.  You reached out, you said hello, you asked how I was doing.  Imagine my shock, and how touched I was by such kindness and compassion.  How many countless students sat in your classroom, roamed the halls, sat in your chairs, and cried in your office, Mr. Jewison?  How many loud or quiet, studious or troublesome kids did you welcome into your heart in the 45 years you dedicated to our community?  How many of us did you commit to memory with your unwavering devotion and faith?  You remember us all. And all of us, we will miss you.  


Across the hallway from your Latin class was where I studied religion, and in it, learned of a beautiful place called heaven, where souls are promised to go if they lived their mortal lives with passion, love, and truth.


I believe that is where you are now, Mr. Jewison.  When, last weekend, you strode into that eternal classroom whose admittance fee you paid through a lifetime of merit, a chorus of voices must have risen to greet you.    


"Salve, Magister!"


“Salve Magister!” 


“Salve Magister!”






Caroline Lyngstad


LHS Class of 1995


I was at Lourdes High School for some of Mr. Jewison's last years there before he retired. He was always telling me to get out of the hallway and get to class, but he was good-natured about it. I am sorry for your family's loss. Mr. Jewison was appreciated by many!

Dave and family,

While I never met your father, I do know Dave Jr and I am certain your father was very proud of his family and the wonderful individuals each of your are. God Bless each of you. He will follow you and you will be feeling his presence for the remainder of your lives.


Jewison Family,

I am so sorry for your loss.  As I’m sure you know Dave was such a beloved member of the Lourdes family. 
I have such found memories of as my teacher and my coach in football, basketball and track.

He was a great athlete,but even greater human being.  The world good learn a lot by his example.

Your entire family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Both Nancy and I are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers as you travel this road of grief. May God provide peace, comfort snd rest in abundance to each of you.

Our condolences to Mary Pat and family.  We know Dave as a cornerstone of Lourdes High School.  He was there in times of need for us and each of our children.  He 105was an outstanding teacher for all who came into his classrooms.  His manner was calming, caring and understanding.  I have heard so often that ‘Mr. Jewison’ is the response to every ‘favorite teacher’ inquiry.  We pray for Dave’s family and friends, as he has left high ideals toward which we can all strive, in his honor.

To the Jewison family - Dave has had a huge impact on so many people in the RCS community over they years, and he will be greatly missed.  I stumbled across this poem this morning that struck me as very fitting.

My prayers and condolences are with you.


Success - by Bessie Anderson Stanley

He has achieved success

who has lived well,
laughed often, and loved much;

who has enjoyed the trust of
pure women,

the respect of intelligent men and
the love of little children;

who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;

who has left the world better than he found it
whether by an improved poppy,
a perfect poem or a rescued soul;

who has never lacked appreciation of Earth’s beauty
or failed to express it;

who has always looked for the best in others and
given them the best he had;

whose life was an inspiration;
whose memory a benediction.

Mary Pat and family,

My heart breaks for your loss.  Know that you are in my prayers and that God holds you in the palm of his hand.  

Mary Pat and boys, We are so sorry to hear about Dave.  He was a great guy and such a positive role model to all.  Always saw a smile on his face.  We can't imagine how hard this must be for you.  Our prayers and thoughts are with you!  Bless you all!  Matt and Terri Lawler

Mike, Anne & Family

we were so shocked to hear of the passing of Dave!  We didn’t know him well, but when we did see him, he was always so friendly and always had a big smile!  Our deepest condolences to you and your family in this very sad time.  God’s blessings to you all.

Mark & Lorna Hager

Mary Pat and Family,

We’re so sorry to hear this heartbreaking news of Dave’s passing. Although we didn’t know Dave well, when we did see him, we thought he was such a warm and friendly guy. Hugs to the whole family and those who loved 

Scott and Jeanette Kellett

Mary Pat,

I'm so very sorry to hear about Dave’s death.  What a shock this must be to you and your family and to Lourdes High School.  Though I did not know Dave very well, I will always remember your kindness to my daughter, Anne Marie Dominguez, when she was ill.  Blessings, peace and comfort to you and all who loved Dave.


Annie Riley

LHS 1964

Mary Pat and family,

My heart goes out to you in the loss of Dave, your husband, life partner, father, and grandfather. What a beautiful legacy he has left for his family and for his community! Although he is no longer with you, his love will remain with you forever until you are together again. May that love and the love of God comfort you at this sorrowful time. 
Marilyn Deling

Mary. I am so sorry for your loss.

Mary Pat

i worked with you at the Public Health center many years ago. I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. It sounds like he was a wonderful man and he is missed by many. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless. Val

Mary Pat and Family,

I am so profoundly saddened at the passing of Dave.  I have so many fond memories "magister".  He is one of my all time favorite Lourdes High School teachers and administrators.  His smile was intoxicating... and I cannot remember him not smiling (although I'm sure there were times when he was yelling at us... in Latin!).  Such an amazing human being... who had an amazing wife and family.  My heart goes out to you in your loss.  Please know that the Lourdes community has you all in our thoughts and in our prayers.  

Love and prayers, 

Elissa (Peters) Nelson, Class of 94

Mary Pat, Dave, and Family,

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. I was so sorry to hear this. Mr. Jewison was an outstanding human being, and he was a very helpful Guidance Counselor to me. He was one of the best leaders in the Rochester Catholic school community, and I feel privileged to have known him. I hope your family finds peace and comfort in knowing that he positively impacted so many lives. Heaven gained a beautiful soul!

Anna M. Hanson, Lourdes Class of '97

There are educators that you come across in your life that take you right back to the moment of time that you got to be within their grace. Mr. Jewison was that teacher for me. He made a difference, made me smile. I never felt like I disappointed him. He always made me feel special. All my love to the Jewison family. God welcomed a gem for sure. ❤️❤️❤️

Please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of this wonderful man . 45 years of shaping the lives thousands of boys including my sons Kristopher and Chad who loved him very much . He gave so much of his heart ❤️ and soul to make there lives as better as if they were his own . Praying for all his family God bless we will all miss a friend and mentor ☘️

Wow, how the time has flown.  Another amazing Lourdes teacher joins those lucky to be with God eternally.  It just doesn't seem possible that my own time in Mr. Jewison's classroom was over 40 years ago.  It feels like it was yesterday.  There were a few times in my own teaching career that I said to myself how what I had just said or done was a Mr. Jewison move.  The impact he made on generations of Lourdes students and families is monumental. 

May God bless your family as you navigate the days ahead.  Many are praying for you.

Barb Carlson Gorghuber

LHS Class of 1980

My heart breaks that this light in our lives has journeyed home to our Lord. You are all in my prayers but most especially, you - Mary Pat...I know he was your everything, your soulmate. May the angels embrace him and may you feel the comfort of God’s grace and the love of so many friends.


PJ Thompson

I’m so sorry for your loss—I can’t imagine our RCS community without Dave! So many fond memories of working with him! My prayers are with all of you!

Dear Jewison Family,

So saddened to hear of Dave's passing.  He touched so many lives in his years at Lourdes  and was a favorite teacher of mine and others.  Prayers for healing to you and your entire family. 

Rest in peace.

Rita (Sell) Marquardt, Class of 1974

Mary Pat, I’m so sorry for your loss my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family??!!!

Mike and Family, I am sorry to hear of your loss - I will never forget Dave, he was a wonderful person. I can still picture him smiling at LHS. Sorry again-

John Crowley

God bless, Dave. You are missed. What a great soul. Rest in peace.

You will always be in our hearts and we will always love you! Thank you for always being the natural role model for all of us to look up to.

Mary Pat & all your family,

 I was sorry to hear of Dave’s passing. We passed each other often on our walks around Cascade Lake. 

There are so many great memories of us sharing, good times and sad times. But he always had that smile and understanding that things would work out. 

Dave was always up. Be it teaching, coaching, working out, or helping. 

You both are a part of our family, from the time of your dating, all of our friends’ weddings, baptizing our babies and growing our families. 

Our prayers and thoughts to you and your family for healing from this loss. 

Chuck & Linda along with Katie & Jenny

My heart goes out to his friends and family. Mr. Jewison, or Pater as he was called in my grade, was a pillar of Lourdes High School. I will forever be grateful to him for his impact on my life. He was a huge influence in my decision to go into education and I will always strive to put the same love and devotion into my students as he did for those at Lourdes. He is one of the most respected men I know and I will forever miss him.

Brenna Schmitt

Class of 2010

our deepest sympathy to the Jewishness Family. One of the best faculty at Lourdes


God Bless


Pork and Lil Bartholomew

Kevin & I are heartbroken hearing about Dave's passing. We are blessed to have known this wonderful man. Praying for Mary Pat and  all the Family.

Barbara & Kevin Lawler 

Mary Pat my wife Nancy and I will pray for peace for you and your family and for Dave's journey to heaven as we say our daily rosary. Dave was a kind gentleman and strong leader. He served Jesus well here on earth. He was a good and faithful servant. I am sure he will continue to pray for you and your sons and their families. Take care....Dick Rapp (Loyola Class of 1965)(Centennial, Colorado)

Mr. Jewison was a wonderful person and a great friend to our family. I am profoundly saddened by his loss.

I will always remember the energy he gave off with his incredible smile. Our heart goes out to Mary Pat and the Jewison family. 

Jay Peters and Family

Mr. Jewison was everything good about Lourdes. He taught my siblings and supported my children. He modeled true joy in service to others. I always think of him when I think of the best teachers I had. 

One more saint in Heaven, and he was already a saint here. Much love and condolences to the family. Will donate to RCS in his name. 

To the entire Jewison family, please know of the prayers from our St. Pius X School community!  Dave was an incredible mentor to me in my 11 years as a science teacher and coach at Lourdes, and it was his advice that really prompted me to go into administration.  He taught me how to treat every single human being with compassion, albeit with tough love when necessary.  He has had a positive impact on many 1,000's of lives and has truly left an indelible mark on this Earth.  His care for others was so genuine.  I will greatly miss seeing him at Mass.  May God be With You Always!

He was the the Swiss Army knife of Lourdes HS. Whether it was driving the team bus, coaching a sport, or counseling a student when they needed it... he did it. He was a fantastic person to know. He impacted the lives of countless people in a positive way. My condolences.

Mary Pat,

Thinking of you and family in this time of grief.  I remember his smile and the many times when I was  riding bike or walking past your house and stopping to visit. I wish I could give you a big hug and take away the hurt of the loss. 

Mary Deling

May your faith and the love of your family and friends support you through this time. My heart and prayers are with you.  Judy Hagler

Mary Pat & Family,

I am so sorry for your loss.  There are simply no words that ever seem adequate at a time like this.  May you find comfort knowing that Jesus is by your side on your darkest days when nothing makes sense. ❤

To Mary Pat and family

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart to receive this news. 
David served as a mentor to me as an educator and more importantly as an example of being a kind kind man. His sincere compassion and empathy for others was always on display. He wanted nothing but the best for all the students and staff that he served. A pat on the back, a few kind words or just an ear to listen was always appreciated.

He touched so many lives in such positive ways for a long long time.

My thoughts are with all of you as you navigate your lose.


Gordy Ziebart 

To Mary Pat and the whole Jewison Family,

I am so saddened to hear of Dave's untimely death.  Having known Dave and your family for nearly 40 years, it is hard to believe that a man so full of life is no longer with us.  I have no doubt that his memory will live on forever in your hearts and in the hearts and minds of countless people who have been in his company over the years.  I can remember the three years of Latin Class as if they were yesterday and my periodic visits with him over the years when our paths crossed.   What a blessing to have been able to know him for so long.


Fr. Mike Cronin

St. Mary's Parish, Winona

To Mary Pat and the whole Jewison Family,

I am so saddened to hear of Dave's untimely death.  Having known Dave and your family for nearly 40 years, it is hard to believe that a man so full of life is no longer with us.  I have no doubt that his memory will live on forever in your hearts and in the hearts and minds of countless people who have been in his company over the years.  I can remember the three years of Latin Class as if they were yesterday and my periodic visits with him over the years when our paths crossed.   What a blessing to have been able to know him for so long.


Fr. Mike Cronin

St. Mary's Parish, Winona

I wanted to offer my condolences of the passing of David Jewison.  He was my guidance consoler and football coach at Lourdes high school.   I just thought the world of him and he was such a positive mentor for me in my life.  I remember as a senior in High School when i was mapping out my post education path and we talked about Saint Mary's University of MN, that is where he went to school and ultimately where i attended as well and it was one of the best decisions i have ever made.   He genuinely cared so much for his students I was truly blessed to have him in my life!  I'm very sorry for your loss.



Matt Schulte

I wanted to offer my condolences of the passing of David Jewison.  He was my guidance consoler and football coach at Lourdes high school.   I just thought the world of him and he was such a positive mentor for me in my life.  I remember as a senior in High School when i was mapping out my post education path and we talked about Saint Mary's University of MN, that is where he went to school and ultimately where i attended as well and it was one of the best decisions i have ever made.   He genuinely cared so much for his students I was truly blessed to have him in my life!  I'm very sorry for your loss.



Matt Schulte

Mary Pat:  You are in my thoughts.  Dave was a great teacher and a wonderful man.  He touched so many lives with his kindness, humor and teachings.  

Dave was a great dad, teacher, counselor and friend! I always knew when he came up from behind and put his two finger hard grip on my shoulder and gave me those Jewy eyes, I was going to be OK. RIP Dave 

Mary Pat - my heart aches for you and your family.  I hope that soon all your happy memories of Dave will help your hearts heal.

Thinking and praying for you - Sherry

Dear Jewison Family,


I’m so sorry for your great loss. Your Husband/Dad was a great guy and I appreciated his passion for his family and Lourdes athletics and education.


Dave was my first coach of anything. I was in 5th grade and Dave coached myself and Pat in Lourdes Traveling basketball. He inspired a love of sports and competitiveness in me that I carry today. 


While there is nothing I can say or do to ease your pain, please know that myself and my family are praying for you. I love you all and wish I could be there to support you at Dave’s funeral. Please know that I will be gratefully making a donation. 


Hang tough- you know that’s what Dave would do. 




Paul Macken Family