Mary Jo Martin

Wednesday, April 18, 1945
Date of Death:
Monday, April 20, 2020
75 years old
Mary Jo Martin
Mary Jo Martin,75, of Rochester MN passed away peacefully at Charter House on April 20, 2020.
Mary Jo was born April 18, 1945, in Washington DC to Dr. William J. and Mary Adams Martin, a time during World War II that peace seemed distant, and birth was a rare occasion for joy. Perhaps as a result, Mary Jo was characterized by stamina, resilience, and joy. The young family with three children in tow moved to Rochester in 1951, as her father completed a fellowship in infectious diseases and subsequently joined Mayo Clinic staff. Like her siblings, Mary Jo joined the Rochester Swim Club and displayed her stamina early by being the first member to continuously swim two miles when she was only 12. She graduated from Cornell University School of Hotel Administration as a proud “hotelie.” She lived a successful professional life in San Francisco as an executive for nearly 30 years at two different international consulting firms, L&H and PKF. Mary Jo entered this professional world when few women did so, and ultimately became a vice president. She kindly offered her family the “comps” from her clients that she might otherwise use, such as stays at the Maui Prince Hotel in Hawaii.
Mary Jo loved her work, even as she developed symptoms of multiple sclerosis at age 52. And yet “she persisted” in her career development. She ultimately came home to Rochester to live with her mother, and eventually both joined the Charter House community, where she loved her apartment, the wonderful staff, and her fellow residents. Her elegant apartment was often the family home for Christmas and other holidays.
She is survived by her sister Julie of New York City, her brother “Billy” and his wife Joyce of Columbus, Ohio, her niece Colleen of Cincinnati, and her nephew Bill of New York. She will be missed.
The family of Mary Jo Martin has received the following condolences.
To the Family:
I am so sorry to hear of your loss of Mary Jo. In October of 2018, when we were in Rochester for a Lourdes reunion, Susan Armstrong O'Malley, Libby McNeil McBride and I visited Mary Jo and had a great visit with her. We reminisced about our years growing up in the same neighborhood and walking to school together. May your memories be of comfort to you.
Kathy Baker
Lourdes Class of 1963
Dear Julie and Bill,
Please accept my sympathy on the death of Mary Jo. I remember her from St John’s and swim team, and of course you were a swimmer too Julie. Oh, and those navy “tank” swimsuits!
Be well,
Patty Towey Gibbons
Stilwell KS
Dear Julie,
If you read this, please reach out to me via email. I would so love to reconnect with you after all these years.
I'm living in Corvallis, Oregon now.
Thinking of you and billy, and again sending my love,
Dear Martin family, we are sorry to hear of the death of your sister. We think of you at this time .Please accept our sympatht. Jim and Rachel
Dear Bill & Julie—
it was my privilege to serve as Mary Jo’s pulmonologist subsequent to the retirement of my friend and colleague, Paul Scanlon. As such, my acquaintance with her was rather brief. Nonetheless, she was a woman impossible to forget. Within a physician’s career there are just a few patients that for whom, after even the initial visit, a deep sense of personal awe and admiration emerges. She was one of those. I can easily see that she impacted many with her spirit of perseverance; joy; and love of life and others.
Bill Dunn
Mayo Clinic
Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
Dear Julie and Billy,
I am so sorry to hear of Mary Jo's passing. Everything comes back to me as I think back to your family and mine on Pill Hill.
Mary Jo was someone to look up to, so intelligent and so sweet. I remember her and both of you and your parents so fondly.
My thoughts are with you.
Love, Suzy Conway
I met Mary Jo at Charter House, when I worked there. She was a very intelligent, positive person. I enjoyed visiting with her and getting updates about Morning Joe! I can imagine how much she will be missed by family, and my sympathy to you. May you find strength in the caring hearts of friends and peace, in the healing power of time. Pamela Hayden