Maria Nistor

Macken Funeral Home Memorial Photo

Live Stream

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Macken Funeral Home Memorial Photo

Obituary is currently not available, please check back soon.


The family of Maria Nistor has received the following condolences.

Odihneascase in pace.

The memory of Tanti Mimi will remain  in my heart and mind.I will cary with me the rememberance of integrity and the beauty of her character, accompanied by faithfulness to our Lord Jesus. For me she was and will remain a precious sister and friend in the Lord. May our Savior Jesus fill with grace the emptiness left by her departure to the Eternal heritage. We will pray that Holy Spirit floods your hearts with peace and comfort and the assurance of the soon to come reunion in our Heavenly Father’s House. We love and hug all who loved Tanti Mimi.  Victorita si Ionica Buia.