Leslie Sharon Hartman

Friday, January 10, 1964
Date of Death:
Sunday, May 3, 2020
56 years old
Leslie Sharon Hartman
Leslie Sharon Hartman, age 56, died on Sunday, May 3rd, 2020 at her home. She was born in Passaic, New Jersey on January 10, 1964 to Erich and Lorraine Futterweit. Leslie later moved to Rochester, Minnesota in 1995 with her twin sister Teri. A few years later, she met her husband Clay Hartman and they got married in June of 2001. Not long after, they started a family and had two children, Jordyn and Cory. Leslie’s family was her world and they are what she lived for. She was also one of the biggest animal lovers you could ever meet.
Leslie was preceded in death by her parents Lorraine and Erich. She is survived by her husband Clay of Rochester, her children Jordyn and Cory, and her three siblings Marc, Rod, and Teri. Leslie will be buried at Oakwood Cemetery following a Jewish ceremony. After this virus is over, we will be having a celebration of Leslie’s life.
The family of Leslie Sharon Hartman has received the following condolences.
Leslie was/is an amazing soul, and one of the brightest, kindest, and caring people I have ever met. I am proud to call her my second mom, and that will always remain the same. She will never be forgotten as with everyone she met, whether it was a minute or an hour, she made her lasting impact. She never failed to make me smile or laugh at any given moment. She will always have a special place in my heart, as will Jordyn and the rest of the family. I pray that god guides her to rest, and that god helps heal the family she has left behind. I will always be here for the family and that will never change. I love you Leslie?
My heart breaks for Leslie’s family. As a widow myself, I know that nothing but time heals but early on, the pain is suffocating and all- consuming. My daughter was friends with Jordyn and Leslie always treated her like a daughter and was very kind to her. She was zany and lived life to the fullest and I always admired how she didn’t feel a need to apologize for the way she felt/ thought and spoke her mom. I hope Jordyn & Corey have the comfort of knowing she is at peace and in paradise with her mother. I know she spoke of her often and obviously missed her beyond measure. All my love, Tammy Arhart
i met leslie back when i was 12 (i’m 18 now) that was the time jordyn and i first became friends and still remain friends today. when i first met leslie i was quite and she did not like that! leslie was outgoing and ambitious and it didn’t take long for me to be comfortable around her and break out of my shell. I really felt i could trust her i really saw her as a 2nd mom even when jordyn and i didn’t talk she’d call me and say she misses and loves me. she had a very contagious smile and laugh that was just amazing. i’m so lucky to have spent so many years with her and make such great memories that i will cherish forever. she was very caring and loving and had a heart of gold. my heart goes out to jordyn and her family. i love you leslie rest in peace ❤️
Leslie will be greatly missed by her family and friends. I write this with a heavy heart that simply aches for Jordyn, Cory, and Clay. Leslie was a one of a kind and it was fun knowing her. She always made me laugh. I appreciate all she did for my son to include him in things. I will miss her. My deepest sympathies to the family.
I’m am so very sorry to hear that this was your beautiful mother, just know that she is resting in paradise with god and u will see her again! I am praying for ur family, don't lose faith in god he has a plan for all of us ask for forgiveness and receive him in ur heart ❤️ We all have an everlasting life with him u just have to believe I love you all
Aunt Leslie, you are such a beautiful soul and I hate to have you go. I know you’re in a place much better but it doesn’t stop me or anyone else in our family from missing you. I’m going to miss your energetic, caring, humorous, brave, and talkative self. You mean a lot to me and so many other people and you will be dearly missed. Rest is peace, crazy lady:)
What do I write? I am heartbroken for you all. Leslie was one in a million that is for sure. She loved her family so much. Her children were her life. She was a kinder soul than most would even realize. I wish I had reached out sooner, more often. I spent very little time with her, since our daughters are best friends, but , now, I wish I had spent more time with her. She was a genuine soul. We spoke a few times heart to heart. She only wanted the best for her kids, and worried about them as much as I do mine. My daughter loved her very much. At times, I could not compete. She was the cool mom. The one that all the kids could go to and not be judged, but just heard. I have learned from her, a little late but, I have learned. We should all communicate and listen and understand our kids as she did. There really is a void that will not be filled for so many. I pray for her soul to rest in peace and know she was loved and will continue to be loved from family and friends for all time. She asked once if we would cry for her if she died. We are crying Leslie, and our souls will always miss you
My sincere condolences to the Entire Family on your great loss. May God Bless you and guide you through this time.
The Dubnoff’s send our deepest Condolences
my heart hurts with the news of Leslie leaving us. She was a sweet girl that I knew almost 38 or so years. She adored her beautiful children and was so very proud of them. Twins sometimes argue but nothing could separate the love she had for Terri and her brothers. Often she would speak of her dear sweet mom. I wish I would have spoken to her or FaceTimed her more. I will always remember her sincere laugh beautiful face and soul. I love you my friend. Until we meet again, love janrae
my heart hurts with the news of Leslie leaving us. She was a sweet girl that I knew almost 38 or so years. She adored her beautiful children and was so very proud of them. Twins sometimes argue but nothing could separate the love she had for Terri and her brothers. Often she would speak of her dear sweet mom. I wish I would have spoken to her or FaceTimed her more. I will always remember her sincere laugh beautiful face and soul. I love you my friend. Until we meet again, love janrae
I am so sorry we lost Leslie so soon. Her family was everything to her. She was so proud to be a wife and mother. She was a unique woman. I will miss her.
I am so sorry for your loss.