Carol Jeanne Murphy

Macken Funeral Home Memorial Photo
Date of Birth:
Wednesday, April 9, 1930
Date of Death:
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
90 years old

Graveside Servive

Date: Wednesday July 22, 2020
Time: 10:30 am

Location: Calvary Cemetery [ view map ]


Location: Calvary Cemetery [ view map ]

Macken Funeral Home Memorial Photo
Date of Birth:
Wednesday, April 9, 1930
Date of Death:
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
90 years old
Macken Funeral Home Memorial Photo
Date of Birth:
Wednesday, April 9, 1930
Date of Death:
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
90 years old

Carol Jeanne Murphy

Carol Jeanne Murphy, 90, of Rochester, passed away on July 8, 2020.

Carol was born April 9, 1930 to William Basil and Elva (Watterberg) Murphy in Rochester.

She graduated from Lourdes High School in 1948 and attended the College of St. Teresa in Winona, MN. She worked at Mayo Clinic for 41 years, retiring in 1992. Her last 20 years at Mayo Clinic were in the Division of Audiology as a receptionist.

Carol was preceded in death by her parents and brothers, Joseph, William, and Carlton Murphy.

A graveside service will be held at 10:30 am on Wednesday July 22, 2020 in Calvary Cemetery in Rochester, Minnesota with Fr. Jim Berning officiating


The family of Carol Jeanne Murphy has received the following condolences.

If ever there were people blessed it was those of us who had the privilege of knowing Carol Murphy.  In my opinion, there were few individuals who met her standard of kindness.  At the work place she was the first individual to meet folks as they came to the testing area.  Many of those folks were in distress and were often unkind but never in the 17 years that I  observed Carol did I ever hear an unkind response from Carol. 
May the Lord show great love for this beautiful lady.

Darrell Rose

What a wonderful lady! One of my mom best friends.  Carol took her everywhere and they really enjoyed each other’s company especially after our father passed away.  Now they can celebrate in heaven on St. Patrick’s Day! ☘️ ☘️  That was one of their favorite days! Prayers to the family and my deepest sympathy as you remember Carol!

Mary Frear Welsh

Carol was my mothers best friend since they were children. Carol helped take my mother to appointments, picked her up to go to dinner, meet her a church and of course the group of 4 or 5 ladies that dressed up for St. Patrick's Day. They were all 100% Irish so BIG BIG day for them. Oh the pictures that i have!!!! Now mom and Carol can hang out again and talk about old times like they used to. Miss you Carol!!

Patti (Frear) Livingood

Carol Murphy, "The Captain of our Ship" as Ann Anderson so aptly stated. I arrived as a staff member at Mayo Clinic Rochester in 1986 and for he next twelve years worked and associated with the finest group of professionals I have known.  As Captain, Carol knew intuitively which of the L5 audiologists should see each patient.  Carol knew how long each of us spent with patients and on busy days would come down our hall and switch patient packets to keep us all busy and insure all patients that approached her desk were seen in a timely manner.  Carol and her co-worker Lois Peterson, were the "Face of Audiology" at Mayo. Never a harsh word, always a smile. Never a complaint.  If Carol was near perfect, then the rest of us should emulate her style, dedication and humor. We were a Family and I tribute the success of our Section to our wonderful and cherished "Carol."

"Carol, to think of you, causes me to relax and smile.  Heaven is brighter with your presence." Hope to join you, Marty

Carol and I became friends when I arrived in audiology in 1982. She helped me learn the Mayo way of doing things. She even loaned me a pair of shoes she kept for emergencies one day when I showed up in my snow boots without my shoes. We always celebrated St Patrick's Day together along with her group of Irish girlfriends. Carol knew how to have fun! She and the whole group of friends dressed up in their Irish garb on that special day of the year. They were a sight to behold. She was always ready to go. It didn't really matter were. She was ready. My husband, Terry, and I would sometimes decide to go out to eat after work. We would call Carol to see if she wanted to join us. She would always be ready. Sometimes she would say, just let me get out of my pajamas and get some clothes on. I'll be ready by the time you get here. When we asked her where she wanted to eat, she would say "wherever the car is going". Carol never lost her sense of humor. Even the last day of her life, she was joking with the care attendant that came in to check on her. Carol kept the audiologists and patients moving along smoothly. When patients got upset or impatient, Carol knew just how to handle each situation. She also give her time and talents to the Ronald McDonald House in Rochester as well as other charities. Carol has been an important part of my life for many years. She will be greatly missed. 

Carol and I have been good friends for years, ever since I met her when I started working in ENT at Mayo in 1973!  She was a bright light in my life....always good for a few giggles when we were having lunch or grocery shopping.  I always enjoyed her many storeies of living in Rochester all 90 years of her life.  And oh how she enjoyed her Irish heritage and her many fun Irish items in her home.  I will miss her immensely and know she is celebrating at the pearly gates with her many friends and family.  God bless you, Carol.  I love and miss you!  


Teresa. ❤️☘️

My cousin Carol, Popular & Fun.

She was the go to person in the family, she kept track of everyone.

She will be a big loss to us but Heavens Gain !


If there ever was a person suited perfectly to a job, I think it might have been Carol Murphy. No matter the person or the situation, Carol was cheerfully, pleasantly, suited to it. She could defuse anger or impatience, placate the impatient patient, trade wits with the witty, and provide wise sympathy where needed. I never saw Carol get ruffled, including the time a thoughtless woman dumped water all over Carol’s appointment book, upending a flower vase, and asking, “Are these real?” Obviously, no answer was needed.

We were supremely lucky to have Carol. Selfishly, I’m glad we were able to keep her, but honestly, she was eminently qualified to be form eminently placed at Mayo. She was our Carol, and were were so lucky to have her.

Thank you Carol, you are one of my happiest memories of my old job.

Ken Miller, Audiologist

Many of my fondest and earliest memories from my days working in Mayo Audiology (L5, Mayo building) include Carol (a.k.a. Carol Merrill) who served as the lead receptionist for our desk.  Every last one of the audiologists, including those that were Department Heads, knew that Carol captained our ship.  When she asked us to jump, we asked "How high?"  She was quick-witted, compassionate, and kind and we all loved her so much.  Heaven just became much brighter with Carol's arrival. 

I am so blessed to have had Carol serve as my godmother!  I have many wonderful memories of time spent with her, and I will miss her very much.  May all of us who loved her take comfort in knowing that she and her fellow Irishwomen are probably enjoying a green beer together in heaven today.

I am so blessed to have had Carol serve as my godmother!  I have many wonderful memories of time spent with her, and I will miss her very much.  May all of us who loved her take comfort in knowing that she and her fellow Irishwomen are probably enjoying a green beer together in heaven today.