Istvan Pirko, M.D.

Friday, June 11, 1971
Date of Death:
Sunday, November 30, 2014
43 years old
Istvan Pirko, M.D.
Dr. Istvan Pirko died following his courageous battle with cancer on November 30, 2014 at Methodist Hospital in Rochester, MN at the age of 43.
Dr. Pirko is survived by his wife, Dora Eva Kelemen, children Melissa Timea, Rebecca Noemi, Adam Balazs, and Natalie Hannah; mother Jozsefne Pirko; sister Katalin Pirko; uncle Arpad Szabo; aunt Arpadne Szabo; father-in-law Sandor Kelemen; mother-in-law Sandorne Kelemen; brother-in-law Peter Kelemen; and niece, Kitti Kelemen. He is preceded in death by his father, Jozsef Pirko (2006).
Dr. Pirko was born June 11, 1971 in Miskolc, Hungary. He completed medical school training at the University Medical School of Debrecen, followed by residency in Neurology at the Medical College of Ohio, Toledo and fellowships in Neuroimmunology/Multiple Sclerosis at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN and Experimental Neuroimaging at the University of Cincinnati. He joined the Department of Neurology at the University of Cincinnati in 2004 where he was the Director of the MS Center, and returned to the Mayo Clinic in 2009, to join the staff as Consultant and Associate Professor of Neurology. He was a fellow of the American Academy of Neurology, member of the American Neurological Association, Hungarian Medical Association of America, and American Society of Neuroimaging.
He married the love of his life, Dora Eva Kelemen, on January 16th, 1997 in Budapest, Hungary, and was blessed with four children, whom he adored. In his spare time he enjoyed cooking for his children and wife; traveling with his family; and serving as expert council to his children and friends on the latest technologies, from cars to computers to mobile devices.
Dr. Pirko was a loving and devoted husband and father, superb and compassionate clinician, trusted and humble colleague, brilliant and innovative researcher, outstanding educator and mentor, cherished and loyal friend. He had a charismatic, magnetic personality and faced adversity with unparalled courage and optimism.
The funeral service will be held December 13th at St. John, The Evangelist Catholic Church, 11 Fourth Avenue, Rochester, MN. Visitation will be from 9:30-10:30 am, with the funeral to follow at 10:30 am. A memorial fund has been established for the family, in honor of Dr. Pirko, at the following website:
The family of Istvan Pirko, M.D. has received the following condolences.
Dr. Pirko treated me at St Mary's Hospital 3 yrs ago for neuromyelitis opitca. Although we didn't know at first what had happened, he didn't give up. This was my first time ever as a patient and not a visitor to any hospital. Dr. Pirko made it so much easier for me as he treated me as a person, not just a patient. He talked to my family when they were there and never walked away without answering every question. I was very sad yesterday to learn of his passing knowing I won't get to see his infectious smile again.
I'm very sorry for your loss!
Angie Radle, Bloomer WI
Drága Pisti! A távolság eddig áthidalható volt, most viszont olyan messzire mentél, hogy az újabb találkozás id?pontja megjósolhatatlan. De bennünk továbbra is él meleg hangod, szeret? tekinteted, kedves mosolyod és hogy a távolból is igyekeztél betegségünkben segíteni.
Még pályafutásod lején Svédországban egy professzor úgy engedett további utadra: "Fiatalember szeretnék ott lenni amikor átveszi a Nóbel díjat". De a sors közbeszólt.
?szintén sajnáljuk, hogy egy ilyen sikeres, rendes, szerethet? ember már csak az emlékeinkben élhet tovább,
Nyugodj békében.
Drága Dóra, Melissa, Rebeca, Ádám és Natali! Ezt az ?rt, amit Pisti mint szeret? férj és édesapa hagyott maga után csak az id? gyógyítja meg valamennyire. Biztos vagyok benne hogy az angyalokkal karöltve továbbra is terelgetni és segíteni fogja utatokat. Sok er?t Nektek az égi jelek észrevételéhez.
Ibike és Árpi
Thomas. Mindig így hívott, és el?ször ? hívott így.
Az elnevezést átvették mások is a családban, így ez tovább él a családban, csakúgy mint sok minden más, amit Te indítottál el. Így itt maradsz velünk nem csak az emlékeinkben, hanem a mindennapjainkban is.
Dóra, Melissa, Rebeca, Ádám és Nati!
Kívánom, hogy el tudjátok viselni az ?rt és a hiány érzését, de egyben azt is, hogy Pisti emléke a jöv?ben er?t adjon Nektek az élet útján. Mert ? segíteni fog azt tudom......
Drága Fiam!
Kegyetlen a sors, HOGY EZ megtörtént VELÜNK: a gyerek szokta elsiratni a szülejét. EZ LENNE a természet rendje.
Hihetetlen, amibe kerültünk. Még elképzelni SEM tudom, EGY egy a hogy innent?l Már Csak unokáimban élsz tovább.
Mintha a Gyökerek Melle én ellenszavazat nélkül kaptam Volna Egy szüleimt?l szárnyakat van. Itt maradtam mindvégig földbe gyökerezett lábbal. Te viszont könnyedén repülted ÁT AZ Óceánt. Helyettem is repültél, családostól VAGY Egyedül, MEG A kezelések ideje Alatt van. Nagyon hálás vagyok Érte. EZ Egy találkozás akkor Még Nem látszott utolsónak, Meg Nagyon lehetett hinni a gyógyulásban. Vágy szerint szerint szerint csak tovább akartad bennem éltetni a reményt ?! Jaj!
Sok-sok örömöt köszönök Neked: kiemelked?en Sikeres tanulmányaidat, mindenhez értésedet, Magas színvonalú szakmai munkádat, szép családodat - A négy unokát Egy igazán Ember feleséggel. Életem végéig Nagyon Büszke leszek Rád.
Áldom Istent azért, HOGY AZ anyád lehettem, Egy olyan HOGY én lehettem az AZ anyád.
Érzem, HOGY igazak a költ? sorai: "A holtom UTÁN ne keressetek. Leszek sehol- ÉS mindenütt leszek."
Biztosan találkozunk. Viszontlátásra!
hu / Ahogy az e-mailjeim VÉGÉN olvashattad /, AZ anyád / Így szólítottál MinDig: "Anyám"! /
Nagyon fáj a hiányod.
Drága Dóra, Melissa, Rebecca, Ádám és Natalie!
Sajnos tudomásul Kell vennünk, EGY egy a hogy "az élet Nem other, menta Egy villámlás az égen, elszalad, menta Gyors Hegyi Csermely".
Szívb?l kívánom, HOGY Legyen er?tök elviselni, amit?l éveken Keresztül rettegtünk, s AMI - sajnos - bekövetkezett. Kés?bbi tartalmas életetekkel tudjátok Majd bizonyítani, HOGY Nem Hiába éltetek Egy igaz emberrel, HOGY Nem Véletlenül voltos ? az életetek Parja, illetve AZ édesapátok. Szeretete biztosan átsugárzik Majd Rátok ÉS segít Nektek ebben.
Igy legyen! Ámen.
Dr. Pirko was the first physician to treat my brother at St. Marys when he came in with an autoimmune encephalitis. I was saddened to see of his death in the paper last evening. Condolences to the family on your loss.
Michael Grinnell
Dr. Pirko was my doctor for a few years. I always looked forward to seeing him, as his animated and sincere personality always inspired me. He will be greatly missed.
I always looked up to my brother because of the way he loved his wife and their four children. He did everything to provide them with a beautiful and fulfilling life. His enthusiasm towards his work and all his efforts in the field of medical research were extraordinary. It is very hard to believe, that he will never come back home to Miskolc (Hungary), to spend time with us, and he will never be able to call us or send us an email.
Dear Dora, Melissa, Rebecca, Adam and Natalie,
I wish you all the strength to endure these days filled with sorrow and sadness.
My beloved brother, Pisti,
I am so sorry, that your precious life got cut so short. I wish you would be there with Dora to see your children grow up. I wish you would be able to go on in your profession as a physician and researcher. You deserved that.
I wish you peace. I will always remember you with love.
Your sister: Kati
Számomra mindig is példaértékü volt, ahogy az öcsém szerette a feleségét és a négy gyermeküket, és mindent megtett azért, hogy nekik szép és tartalmas életük legyen. A munkája iránti lelkesedése és az orvostudomány fejl?dése érdekében tett er?feszítései is nem mindennapi színvonalúak voltak. Nagyon nehéz elhinni, hogy a testvérem már nem jön haza többé hozzánk Magyarországra, Miskolcra, hogy nem hív fel többet telefonon és nem ír több emailt nekünk.
Kedves Dóra, Melissa, Rebecca, Ádám és Natalie! Kívánok nagyon sok eröt nektek, hogy képesek legyetek elviselni és átvészelni ezeket a szomorúsággal teljes napokat.
Kedves öcsém, Pisti! Nagyon sajnálom, hogy így alakultak a dolgok, hogy értékes életed ennyire rövid volt. Bárcsak felnevelhetted volna a gyermekeiteket egészségben, Dórával együtt, és bárcsak továbbmehettél volna a szakmai sikerek útján! Megérdemelted volna, hogy így legyen. Kívánok Neked békességet! Mindig szeretettel fogok emlékezni Rád.
Növéred: Kati
Dear Pirkó Family,
Please accept my deepest condolences. István was my elementary school classmate, and he just took a piece of my childhood with him. However, the memories of his kindness, his great sense of humor and his respect and honesty to others will always stay with us. He was able to set a positive example to those absorbed by the traditional Hungarian pessimism, proving that you can achieve anything with determination and consistent work. I always wanted to thank him for that.
Sztaroveczki Csaba (Sztaró)
Istvánra (Pistire) mindig felnéztem, mert mindig pontosan tudta, hogy mit akar és hatalmas tudatossággal sikerre vitte céljait. Orvosként, apaként és unokatestvérként is úttör? volt a Szabó unokák között.
Most pontosan tudom, hogy ezt nem akarta, mégis úttör? lett ismét.
Csendes legyen álmod,
Találj odafönt örök boldogságot!
Kísérje utadat Isten és az ég,
A felh?kön túl találkozunk még!
Robi és családja
Dear Pirko Family,
We are so sorry to hear of your immeasurable loss!!! While we did not know Istvan well, from everyone's comments he was an amazing and humble man. Our hearts go out to all of you who feel the deepest pain from the loss of this wonderful husband, father, friend and physician. Our prayers will continue for your strength and healing as you journey toward peace through faith.
Accept our sincere condolences for all the family ! Tragic loss for everybody who knew Istvan !
You all will be in our thoughts and prayers !
Lajos Toth and family
Istvan was a great friend and an exemplary colleague.
His enthusiasm for science and deep love for his family were remarkable and inspirational for all of us.
His memories will always be with us and continue to inspire many.
I had the privilege of supporting Dr. Pirko in his important research work. He is truly a remarkable professional, doctor and researcher who deeply cared for his patients, family and colleagues. He leaves us with an enduring impression of a humble, intelligent, couragous and beloved colleague and friend. His legacy extends to us who he will continue to inspire to carry on, to his patients whose lives he has touched and to his family - his greatest source of pride.
Dr. Pirko advised ... "It is a remarkeable journey not because we arrived but because we took the first step and all the rest that followed" (backdrop as we got lost touring Mayo Clinic's hollowed halls - his classic sense of humor permeates)
Vincent Ty
Dear Pirko family,
My prayers are with you all for your loss. I had the great fortune of meeting and speaking with Istvan the end of October in Sarasota Florida at the Hungarian doctors meeting... we shared a few quiet moments of reflection together. I feel honored to have been his friend and shared the good times we had over the past years.
My deepest sympathies,
Istvan Somkuti MD, PhD
Dr. Istvan is beloved by me, my family, my sister whom he also helped in a time of need, and probably every other person he has taken into his care. He not only was a fine doctor, but he was a fine person, whom I couldn't help but hug at the start and end of every visit. He cared about others, well beyond the level most doctors exhibit, and had an uncanny ability to anticipate and communicate about everything you'd want to know based on your situation. It's impossible to understate how much that means to someone who is scared and confused about an unpredictable condition full of unknowns. A song from church comes to mind: "The Wind Beneath my Wings." He was amazingly modest for someone so talented at making you feel more comfortable with your situation, more positive in your outlook, and more confident that you could handle whatever is thrown your way. Even when he was sick, he kept doing things for the benefit of others, and his positivity and courage inspired, awed and amazed everyone who knew what he was suffering. He has been in my prayers every day for the last two years. I have expanded that and continue now to pray for the whole family of Dr. Istvan. May the mourning of this giant loss, and the suffering, bring the one grace that we've been promised, which is the bringing out of the love of other people.
Istvan was an amazing family man, physician, researcher and friend. He is one of the neatest people I have ever known. He touched so many with his kindness, amazing intelligence and great sense of's hard to imagine he is gone. But his memory will always be cherished by the people who knew him. Rest in peace Istvan, know you were loved and admired by many.